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Products available online direct from the manufacturer

Weight Per Gallon (density) Measurement

Gardco Standard Weight per Gallon Cup

• Precision machined from series 300 stainless steel solid bar stock

• Volume tolerance is within /- 0.5% of correct theoretical value

• U.S. and British sizes both available; includes covers

Weight Per Gallon CupsThese cups meet all relevant ASTM Test Methods; certifications qualify under ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 or MIL-STD-45662A, as applicable. They conform to ISO 9000 when ordered with a calibration certification.

Measure weight per gallon or specific gravity. Surface finish better than 32 RN/IS; internal corners are rounded to a minimum radius of 0.188". SS300 tare weights are adjusted to within 0.2 gram of actual cup weight, and are sized for air cushioning when they are stored inside the cup.

We ship via ground service prepaid at no charge to all U.S. commercial addresses, and correspondingly discount all residential and air shipments. Minimum order $40.00.
Type: U.S. British
Capacity: 83.205 ml 99.925 ml
Size (mm): 63.5 X 44.5 OD 78.3 X 44.5 OD
Weight: 130g. with cover 143g. with cover
Accuracy: +/- 0.5% +/- 0.5%
Tare weights within 0.2g of actual cup weight.

List Our Price Qty
U.S. std. WPG cup
$231.00 $216.50
U.S. w/tare weight
$316.00 $295.00
U.S. certified
$435.00 $421.50
U.S. w/tare wt., cert'd
$584.00 $555.00
British std. WPG cup
$306.00 $285.00
British w/tare weight
$381.00 $353.00
British certified
$510.00 $481.50
British w/tare wt., cert'd
$653.00 $623.50

Gardco U.S. Mini Weight per Gallon Cup

• Precision machined from series 300 stainless steel solid bar stock

• 8.321 milliliter capacity is exactly one tenth of U.S. Standard Cup volume

• Meets all relevant ASTM test methods; certifications qualify under ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 or MILSTD-45662A, as applicable. Conforms to ISO 9000 when ordered with calibration certification.

Performs same functions as standard U.S. cup –with these mini-cups, the formulae listed above change as follows:
WPG = gram weight. Similarly, specific gravity 0.1202 x gram weight. Design and construction are equivalent to standard cups. Tare weights are within 0. 1g of actual cup weight. Covers are included.

We ship via ground service prepaid at no charge to all U.S. commercial addresses, and correspondingly discount all residential and air shipments. Minimum order $40.00.
Capacity 8.321 ml
Size (mm): 26.5 X 25.4 OD
Weight: 39g, with cover
Accuracy +/- 1.2%
List Our Price  
U.S. Mini WPG cup
$274.00 $248.50
Mini-cup certified
$478.00 $463.50

Gardco Tarelite Standard Weight per Gallon Cup

• Precision machined from high-tensile 6000 series aluminum alloy

This full-size alodined aluminum WPG cup offers great strength at less than 45 grams! Even with heavily pigmented paint, it stays within the capacity of a 250g laboratory balance. Care of aluminum cups is much the same as stainless steel – immediate cleaning after use is most important. Additionally, take care not to drop these cups, as dents could irrevocably affect capacity. Covers included.

We ship via ground service prepaid at no charge to all U.S. commercial addresses, and correspondingly discount all residential and air shipments. Minimum order $40.00.
Capacity: 83.2 ml
Size (mm): 60 X 46 OD
Weight: 45g, with cover
Accuracy: +/- 2%
List Our Price Qty
Tarelite U.S. WPG cup
$231.00 $216.50
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Viscosity Testing