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Products available online direct from the manufacturer

Standard Calibration Oils
for EZ® and S90 Cups

Calibration oilThese viscosity standards are produced in strict accord with ISO 9002 and ANSI Q92. 1987. Packaged in sealed, dark glass pint bottles; minimum one year shelf life. Actual lot data is printed on the label and is directly traceable to NIST. Supplied with a chart showing viscosity from 20°C to 27°C. To ensure freshness this item drop ships directly from the manufacturer.

Do NOT use silicone fluids to calibrate EZ® or S90 viscosity cups — these materials permanently alter the cups' performance.

We ship via ground service prepaid at no charge to all U.S. commercial addresses, and correspondingly discount all residential and air shipments. Minimum order $40.00.
Viscosity (centistokes) at 25°C
Part No. Used to Calibrate Price Qty
31101 19 G-10 EZ® #1 $125.00
31111 34 G-20 S90 #1 $125.00
31102 120 G-60 EZ® #2, S90 #2 $125.00
31113 230 G-100 S90 #3 $125.00
31103 450 G-200 EZ® #3, EZ® #4 $125.00
31105 880 G-350 EZ® #5, S90 #4, S90 #5 $125.00